Monday, March 25, 2013

Is there a relationship between depression and weight gain?

Often obesity and depression go hand in hand. But does cause obesity in infected individuals with depression, or depression can cause weight gain? in a society fascinated with the high-strength, many believe that obesity causes depression. If there a cause and effect relationship, it is the obesity that makes individuals feel depressed. But Belinda Needham, an assistant

professor in sociology at the University
of Alabama at Birmingham, believes that «there is an alternative explanation, which is that depression

Cause actually overweight ». has concluded a study Needham new to Irkaalchaabab who reported symptoms of depression, such as feeling sad or despair, increased their weight more quickly over 15 years, and accumulated fat in the abdominal area have more than those who are happier. The study, published in the journal «Security Journal of Pablk Health», that those who were people obese from the start, may have suffered from depression in the beginning, but the depression did not evolve with the passage of time.role of chronic stress and explain Dr. Needham, saying : "When I get depressed, you tend to laziness and tend not to exercise more, and tend to eat more." She says: «If you are experiencing high levels of depression and take antidepressants, these drugs are associated with increased weight also». indicated that there may be a third factor cryptic is actually causing both depression and obesity. says Dr. Needham: «We believe through This study that chronic stress is the mediator, that provoke chronic stress leads to depression, which in turn leads to weight gain. فهرمون tension (cortisol), for example, stimulates the body to store fat, especially in the abdominal area, where the body stores calories during times of tension. was the relationship between obesity and depression mysterious always, he says, some experts obesity, such as Kelly Brownell of Yale University: "The stock causal moving in both directions," but the feeling contempt associated with obesity leads to discrimination and prejudice which leads inevitably to depression. warns Dr. Needham that the efforts of public health institutions to address obesity that do not take into account the emotional health of the injured, and address underlying depression may not succeed. The Needham: «obesity and depression, both of the most important public health issues that concerned everyone, but we do not really understand a lot about their relationship». indicate Needham to «we tend to separate the mind and body in our culture, but they are linked to more than aware of», warning "we will not understand how to treat obesity if focused all our focus on diet and exercise." has analyzed Dr. Needham in her study data 5115 people from the men and women between the ages of 18 and 30 who participated in the study «evolution risk of coronary artery in young people ». He underwent participants to a questionnaire to assess symptoms of depression once every five years, and keep track of body mass index and waist circumference over time. Researchers found that despite the increase weights everyone during the 15 years, individuals who increased their weight did not grow in distress over time. Those who have suffered more symptoms of depression has gained more abdominal fat over time (started circumference waist fat about 1.6 cm, or about six-tenths of an inch, larger than the waist who suffer from some symptoms Mini-depressant), and Bhlolhm the age of twenty, became their waistlines 2.6 cm, or more than an inch, the largest of the group that did not suffer from depression. mixed results and findings of previous studies to different conclusions. A study of adolescents in middle school and high, as in the study by Dr. Needham, it suffers from depression is expected to become infected with obesity in the following year, but the study confirmed that the weight gain was not associated with subsequent increase in depression. study found for the elderly, quite the opposite , as obesity at the beginning of the study were associated with an increased risk for depression after five years, but depression is not linked to an increased risk of obesity later. believes Bruce Blaine, one of the doctors mental health at St. John Fisher in Rochester, that these differences between young and old may be related to age and growth differentials. Where he found Blaine, which reviewed 16 studies on the relationship between depression and weight gain, that those who suffer from depression are at risk of obesity more. The girls were more affected by the teen, where more likely to expose them to obesity by two and a half times if suffering from depression. Dr. Blaine says: "Those who suffer from depression do not differ much from physiologically for those who suffer from tension." And goes on to say: "The their sympathetic nervous system works chronically, and one of the consequences of this is to increase the storage of fat." and adds: «We tend to look at depression as a result - that is, there is something else us Nkiib. But we do not look at depression as a cause of other health outcomes.

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